Join our PPC Team

Join our PPC Team

What’s PPC?

The Nova Scotia Rifle Association, under the leadership of the handgun section and Bob Selig, has been organizing a pistol shooting competition every fall for decades. The match follows the rule structure of the Police Practical Combat Shooting (PPC) discipline. The match is organized to see who has attained the highest levels of proficiency with a pistol at the end of the summer shooting season and is open to all.

The match is a complicated one encompassing many components that are not normally encountered in most pistol shooting matches. Competitors are required to shoot from an array of positions from prone to barricaded using strong hand, weak hand, single handed and both hands. Targets are shot from a few feet at extreme speed in some events out to 50 meters in others events with a tiny bulls eye center. To be competitive you have to be hitting mostly ‘bulls eyes’. It is a very tough match, one that requires dedication and discipline to master.

Who attends?

Individual sportsmen, law enforcement, DFO, DNR, clubs from all shooting disciplines & the military have been sending teams and individuals from across the Maritimes for decades. It is the largest gathering of multidisciplinary shooters in the Maritimes all striving for the the title of “Top Gun”. The standing provincial record score, one that has stood for years, was shattered 2016 by 6 points by retired Canadian Forces NCO Rick Dunn. Rick devastated all competitors with 1410 points. Congratulations Rick awesome shooting!

Our results

In 2015, for the first time ever, the Metro Rifle & Pistol Club trained a group of marksman and sent a team. Sheldon Whitty, Allen MacEachern, Ian McNeil, Terry Eldridge, & Mike Kelly were that team.

How did Metro do in 2015? We took the bronze in the team event, narrowly missing silver. Terry Eldridge took 1st place in the Expert category and Mike Kelly placed 3rd over all in the match. We did phenomenal besting many seasoned competitors and teams; nobody expected Metro to do so well! In short, WE ROCKED!

The results can be seen at the NSRA website:

This article is written by Mike Kelly. You may contact him via his e-mail